The past year brought us to a new beginning. A seed planted that has already brought such incredible fruits with the best yet to come. We’ve set our vision, planned out our goals and have been slowly but surely been building the base that will be the foundation for so much more to be offered in the very near future.
In addition to the work done and the goals planned, we’ve also made service to others a priority. We are so fortunate to each have the mindset that guides us in the belief that we have to make things about others in order to grow ourselves. The most beautiful relationships can be forged, memories made and life lessons learned when tending to the needs of others.
In early December, our crew headed to The Brighton Center for a day of preparation for their Christmas shop event for the local children whose families struggle to make ends meet. We sorted the gently used toys that had been donated and had so much fun in the process. Seeing the tables and tables of toys that these children would have to choose from, only to then consider all that we have at home and take for granted left us realizing again the incredible need that surrounds us. These children don’t wish for an iPad or PS4. They wish for a warm blanket and find great smiles in the used toys that laid before us.
While at The Brighton Center, we talked with the staff and learned of other programs they offer. We learned about the children who have no home and the families who rely on their programs to make ends meet. During this time, our Robin gave an interview with one staffer. The emotion of our surroundings and what it meant hit her hard as she spoke, fighting back tears at times to finish her thoughts. Our smiles shifted with this because we too, in the midst of the fun, had felt those same feelings and understood what all of this meant to those who would arrive the next morning. It was a very humbling experience.
December was also a time to pay tribute to our law enforcement officers who have been under a tremendous amount of stress and have faced a great deal of public backlash in recent months. With this, our accountant and social media coordinator, Becky, decided to bake cookies for the local sheriff’s office. She took her idea to social media to see if a few friends wanted to join her. What she found however, was that more than just a few friends stepped up to help. Seeing the potential, Becky launched Cookies for a Cop. Without wanting to be political or controversial, Becky worked to grow this campaign to simply let our officers know they are valued and appreciated. In just three (3) short weeks, this single idea made it to 24 states with over 30,000 cookies being delivered to over 220 police departments.
Our staff chipped in with the help of deliveries and even donated cookies to help make sure we could serve more officers! Seeing the level of interest, this campaign will be an annual event with possible smaller events to encourage #sweetkindness throughout the year.
As we prepared for the cold of winter, Jennie had been hard at work on her stockpile of warm socks that she now plans to donate to a local shelter…just in time for the frigid temps set to hit the area this week! Knowing Jennie as we do, we are sure she will be hard at work preparing meals as well to make sure these same people have warm food to fill their bellies. Robin rounded out the final week in taking her youth group to help Matthew 25 Ministries pack supplies bags with personal items such as toothbrushes, soap, lotion and more to be shipped overseas and Erin was not lost in the giving spirit having made a separate trip back to the Brighton Center to take coats, blankets, clothes, and more that she purchased to help the families who need it most.
Ending 2014 in such a positive manner makes us just that much more excited about what 2015 holds for each of us and the future of The RMB Agency.
Tell us, what was your best experience of 2014 and what do you most look forward to in 2015?!